Mediation (MIAM – Mediation Intake Assessment Meeting
Using a Mediator
The Divorce process can be unnecessarily traumatic and, as tensions rise, logic can disappear. In 2014, the government introduced the compulsory Mediation Intake Assessment Meeting (MIAM), undertaken prior to issuing court proceedings for applicants to the family courts to ensure that people took the opportunity, if appropriate, to resolve their differences without enduring the cost and emotional stress of going to Court.
There can be exceptions to attending an MIAM. Unless one of the following exemptions applies to your own personal situation, you will need to attend a MIAM:
- There is a history of domestic violence in your relationship
- The mediator deems mediation to be unsuitable.
- An urgent application is needed due to safety risks for your family member, if there is a risk a child may be unlawfully removed from the UK or if social services are currently involved.
- You are in agreement and there is no dispute.
- You do not know where your former partner is.
- Your former partner refuses to attend a MIAM
- You have already tried mediation and it was not successful
You may be able to get more information/advice from Relate: Mediation
Relate may be able to help/advise if things get violent or abusive : Abusive relationships